
Sadly, the Canberra Swiss Choir known as the ‘Crèmeschnitte Chörli’ does no longer exist. Unfortunately, funding dried up which made it impossible for the choir to continue. 

We thank the ACT Government for their support over the last seven years through the multicultural grants program. This enabled the choir to thrive and perform at retirement villages and other centers around Canberra, building bridges between the Swiss and Australian communities and bringing some ‘sunshine’ into people’s lives.

On 28 May 2024 the Choir held its closing rehearsal at the Harmonie German Club for all those who ever sang in the choir. It was a fun evening but sadly, the last time we sang together.

Updated on 28/11/2024

The page below describes the activities of the Choir during its existence between 2007 and 2024. 

The Canberra Swiss choir ‘Crèmeschnitte Chörli’ was a lively group of people who sang for fun. We were a mixed-voice choir (with parts for soprano, alto, tenor and bass), singing traditional songs in our four national languages. The choir performed regularly at Swiss Club functions, but we also reached out into the community and performed at nursing homes and at festive events. From time to time, we performed at concerts with Canberra’s German and Austrian choirs.

Rehearsals were held twice a month, on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the “Keller” of the Harmonie German Club, Narrabundah. 

In 2020 we officially welcomed Annabelle Schweizer, a new member to our choir. With her wonderful voice she brought a new dimension to our choral performances. 

Annabelle Schweizer

Singing for fun kept us young!

Swiss Choir performing at the Market of the
Harmonie German Club, 27 March 2022
Tony Eva Capeder
Swiss Choir singing for Tony and Eva Capeder and residents at the Goodwin House Ainslie, 1 August 2019
The Swiss Choir at Mirinjani in Weston, 5 May 2019
The Choir singing for Lina and residents at Garran, 24 February 2019
Performance at Isabella Plains retirement village Canberra, July 2016
Sängerfest in Canberra, October 2014

Apart from appearances at Swiss Club functions, the Choir has reached out to the Australian community and performed at many other venues over the past several years. Such events were very well received and brought much pleasure into people’s day and, at the same time, was satisfying for members of the Choir. Some past performances are listed below:

21/05/2023Southern Cross Care
Ozanam Village, Garran
27/11/2022Kangara Waters
retirement village,
Canberra Swiss Club,
Ainslie Football Club
8/10/2022Marigal Gardens
retirement village,
9/09/2022Sängerfest at the
Harmonie German Club,
27/03/2022Market Day at the
Harmonie German Club
21/11/2019Goodwin House, Ainslie
Early Christmas Event
01/08/2019Goodwin House, Ainslie
23/06/2019Harmonie German Club
05/05/2019Mirinjani Nursing Home
24/02/2019Southern Cross Care
Ozanam Village, Garran
09/12/2018Harmonie German Club
15/04/2018Isabella Gardens
Retirement Village
29/09/2018Sydney Jodlers
50th Anniversary
Celebration, Sydney
Austrian Club
15/04/2017Canberra Swiss Club
50th Anniversary
27/11/2016Southern Cross Aged Care
03/07/2016Isabella Gardens
Retirement Village
22/11/2015Burrangiri Respite Care
15/12/2014Jindalee Aged Care
16/11/2014Kangara Retirement
Sängerfest, Llewellyn Hall
ANU, Canberra
Southern Cross Club
Woden, Canberra
Harmonie German Club